2nd Annual general meeting of GISVA in Kassel
21 Jan 2019
Kassel 19 January 2019
Last weekend, the German Interdisciplinary Society for Vascular Anomalies (GISVA) met for its Annual General Meeting in Kassel. In addition to members and the honorary member, Werner J. Siebert, René Strobach, as representative of the German patient advocacy group Federal Association of Congenital Vascular Malformations (Bundesverband Angeborene Gefäßfehlbildungen e.V.) was also present.
The Executive Board reported on a successful year in 2018: Highlights included the publication of the Compendium Vascular Anomalies at www.compgefa.de as well as the 1st annual meeting of GISVA in Halle (Saale) in October, combined with the Masterclass for Vascular anomalies. Fortunately, the society was able to gain 14 new members and one company as a sponsoring member.
In addition to general organizational votes, the course was set for the further development of the society. These include the further development and expansion of Compendium vascular anomalies and the development of a GISVA certification for interdisciplinary centers for vascular anomalies.
Furthermore, a training for patient managers is planned. The 2nd Annual Conference of GISVA will take place in Göttingen this year. Dates and exact information about the events will be announced soon.